
What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking is a structured approach used to identify actions that lead to superior performance.

Opportunities provided by RIAMBiG’s benchmarking process:

image/svg+xmlIdentifying areas for improvement

image/svg+xmlBest practice transfer and implementation

image/svg+xmlCost savings achieved through the spread of best practices and more informed procurement decisions

image/svg+xmlStructured information exchange and networking – through focused visits and expert groups

image/svg+xmlInformed dialogue with stakeholders

image/svg+xmlProcess improvements – identified though case studies

image/svg+xmlSetting performance targets which are challenging, but realistic, supported by internationally comparable Key Performance Indicators

Key Benchmarking Principles

Fundamentally, RIAMBiG provides a forum for railway infrastructure managers to share their experiences and share information. The following key principles have led to successful railway infrastructure asset management benchmarking since the group’s inception in 2016:


RIAMBiG is based on an open and honest data and information exchange within the group, but not to outside parties. Members are happy to see both their strengths and weaknesses openly so that they can help each other improve.


The group is owned and run by the members themselves, with project management, benchmarking analysis, and administration conducted by the TSC at Imperial College London. This independence permits the group to pursue its own agenda and focus its efforts in areas of most immediate interest.


Members help each other to improve their railway. The benchmarking process that supports this requires unimpeded information exchange between railways.


The size of the group and the online interactions through the group’s website permit quick responses for many queries.